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Featured Federal Issues

American Rescue Plan: State & Local Funding for Missouri

The American Rescue Plan (ARP), approved by Congress and expected to be signed into law this week, will provide $1.9 trillion to counteract economic declines related to the Coronavirus pandemic. In addition to direct economic relief for individuals, families, & small
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Budgeting in Uncertain Times: How the Federal Stimulus Aids Missouri

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which was signed into law on March 27th, will provide over $2 trillion to counteract economic declines related to the Coronavirus pandemic. In addition to economic relief directed towards individuals, families, small
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Federal Safety Net Services: Missouri Fact Sheets

Safety net services serve thousands of Missourians struggling to meet basic needs each year. Many of these services are federally funded in whole or in part. This series of fact sheets examines eligibility and enrollment for a variety of these services, including: Child Care
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Senate Tax Bill Would Raise Taxes for Many Missourians, Especially in Rural, Poorer Counties

Download the PDF The United States Senate will soon consider a major revision of the U.S. tax code that would, by 2027, raise federal taxes on many low- and middle-income Missourians. In order to pay for permanent tax cuts for corporations, the bill would increase personal income
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What’s at Stake: Congressional Fact Sheet

Download PDF Version Public services lift 1.1 million Missourians out of poverty each year by helping working families with low wages, seniors and people with disabilities who have fixed incomes obtain health care, pay for child care, and fulfill a range of basic needs. Safety
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