Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

Summary of Governor Nixon’s Proposed Budget

Governor Nixon delivered his State of the State address on January 20. He outlined his priorities and released his proposed budget. Click here to view a summary of the Governor’s budget request.
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Missouri Budget Project Statement in Response to State of the State Address

Click here to read a statement from Missouri Budget Project Executive Director Amy Blouin in response to Governor Nixon’s State of the State Address.
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Summary of Manager’s Amendment changes to the U.S. Senate proposal to reform health care

Click here to read a summary of the Manager’s Amendment to the U.S. Senate proprosal to reform health care.
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Summary of Manager’s Amendment changes to the U.S. Senate proposal to reform health care

Click here to read a summary of the Manager’s Amendment to the U.S. Senate proprosal to reform health care.
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Economic Recovery Act Has Kept Roughly 105,000 Missourians Out Of Poverty And Boosted Economy, New Report Shows

Seven provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act  of 2009 (ARRA), passed in February, are keeping approximately 105,000 Missourians from falling into poverty this year. Click here to read a news release about a new report new report from the Washington,
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Economic Recovery Act Has Kept Roughly 105,000 Missourians Out Of Poverty And Boosted Economy, New Report Shows

Seven provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act  of 2009 (ARRA), passed in February, are keeping approximately 105,000 Missourians from falling into poverty this year. Click here to read a news release about a new report new report from the Washington,
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State Taxes Hit Poor & Middle Class Missourians Far Harder than Wealthy, New Report Shows

Low- and middle-income families in Missouri pay a far higher share of their income in state and local taxes than the richest families in Missouri, according to a new study by the Institute on Taxation & Economic Policy.  Click here to read a news release on the report.
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Missouri is One of Few States That Taxes Families Living Below the Poverty Level, New Report Shows

Poor families in Missouri continue to face substantial state income tax liability, according to a new report by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.  Click here to read a news release about the report.
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Missouri is One of Few States That Taxes Families Living Below the Poverty Level, New Report Shows

Poor families in Missouri continue to face substantial state income tax liability, according to a new report by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.  Click here to read a news release about the report.
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H.R. 3692 Advances Positive Federal Health Care Reform

On October 23, 2009 Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced details in H.R. 3692, the federal health care reform bill that will be brought to the House floor.  This bill goes beyond previous bills to enact positive health care reform.  Click here to view details.
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