Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

Governor Nixon to Sign Bill Eliminating Corporate Franchise Tax

Governor Nixon plans to sign legislation this morning eliminating the corporate franchise tax over a 5 year period. When phased in, the law will cost the state $85 million annually. To read the Missouri Budget Project press release on this action, click here.
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What’s in a Name? A Medicaid Block Grant by Any Name is Bad for Missouri

While avoiding the terminology, House Budget Committee Chair Ryan proposes to "restructure Medicaid" by effectively converting the program into a block grant.  To learn how the proposal would leave the state, and particularly our seniors, childrens, individuals
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Missouri Senate Reduces Future Unemployment Benefits in Exchange for Extension

The Missouri Senate made damaging long-term changes to the state’s safety net and rejected federal money that would spur the economy in exchange for additional benefits for today’s long-term unemployed.  To learn more, click here.
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House Budget Plan Would Leave Millions Without Health Insurance

House Republicans announced a draconian budget plan that would dramatically slash Medicaid and replace Medicare with a voucher system, leaving millions without the health insurance they need.  To learn more, click here.
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Reducing Deficits and the National Debt: The Devilish Details

Policymakers have proposed several plans to reduce deficits and stablize the national debt. This paper reviews the various recommendations and discusses core principles that should guide public discussions about the nation’s fiscal health.  To learn more, click here.
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Extended Unemployment Benefits are Critical for Missouri Families and Missouri’s Economy

The U.S. Congress has provided federally funded unemployment insurance benefits to provide workers who have been hardest hit by the recession with extended benefits. However, a small group of Missouri senators is preventing passage of a measure that allows Missouri to accept
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A Primer on the National Deficit and Long-Term Debt

As federal policymakers discuss current and future budgets, there has been significant discussion about deficits and debt.  While the consequences of federal deficits are a concern, it is the long-term national debt that poses the greatest threat to economic prospects. 
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Why Missouri’s Economy and Families Need a State EITC

The Missouri House of Representatives, Committee on Tax Reform recently held a hearing on House Bill 581. The Bill would create a state earned income tax credit for Missouri, one of the most cost effective and proven economic stimulus measures in the nation. Click here to
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State Income Taxes Do Not Drive Population Growth

Advocates of the effort to eliminate Missouri’s income taxes and replace them with a greatly expanded sales tax often attempt to correlate the income tax with population growth. A review of population growth over times shows only a continuation of U.S. migration patterns,
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Dispelling the Myth: State Individual Income Taxes Do Not Control Economic Growth

Proponents of proposals to replace the state’s income tax with a greatly expanded sales tax assert that doing so will increase economic growth.  An analysis of the data shows that there is no relationship between state income tax and state economic growth.  To
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