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Medicaid & Schools: Working Together to Help Kids Learn

Children who are healthy and have access to the care and treatment they need are better able to enter school ready to learn and to remain engaged in the classroom. A strong Missouri Medicaid program ensures that low-income students in Missouri have the comprehensive, continuous health coverage they need to focus on learning.

Medicaid ensures that kids come to school healthy and ready to learn.

  • Nearly 1 in 3 school age children in Missouri rely on Medicaid for health coverage, making a strong Medicaid program key to ensuring children are healthy and ready to learn.
  • In many Missouri school districts, particularly in rural and urban areas, well over half of all students are enrolled in Medicaid.

Medicaid also supports school infrastructure by providing funding for:

  • Health services needed to support students with special needs through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
  • Screenings, diagnoses, and treatment services for students from low-wage families through the Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment Benefits (EPSDT) benefit, including vision and hearing screenings, and diabetes and asthma diagnosis and management.
  • Salaries of school staff such as school nurses and counselors who provide reimburseable services to students.
  • Services provided through school-based health centers, including behavioral health services for students.
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