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Differences between House & Senate Versions of FY 2017 Budget

As compared to the FY 2016 budget or House budget, some notable FY 17 budget changes recommended by the Senate include:



  • $70,368,735 increase to the funding formula
  • $21, 180,466 increase for Early Childhood Special Education
  • $1 million increase of Missouri Preschool Program
  • $100,000 for Dyslexia Training Program


HB 2003

  • $55,789,147 for Performance and Equity Funding for Higher Education Institutions
  • $4,504,016 Equity funding for Community Colleges
  • $373,979 Equity funding for State Community College
  • $1.5 million increase for Lincoln University Land Grant Match
  • $3.5 million for MSSU/UMKC Cooperative Dental Program
  • $2.5 million increase for A+ scholarships
  • $2 million increase for Bright Flight Scholarships
  • $1 million reduction to the University of Missouri Administration


HB 2010

  • $26, 587, 687 was added for Medicaid Home Based and Community Services cost to continue
  • $29, 587, 687 increase to replace Tax amnesty funding for 3% increase to Home and Community Based Service (HCBS) providers and private duty nurses
  • $31, 150, 436 for anticipated caseload growth

The Senate SCS recommends that funding for HB2010 increased by 6.9% to $1339,237,311


Notable changes from the House recommendation include:

  • $375,000 addition for Community Public Health
  • $500,000 addition got HIV Pilot Program
  • $375,000 reduction for Diaper Banks
  • $75,000 reduction for expansion of Cord Blood Services Delivery
  • $499,999 addition for Missouri Area Health Eduction Centers
  • $750,000 added for Treatment services for offenders
  • $600,000 added for Emergency room enhancements
  • $1 million added for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research


HB 2011

Funding for the Department of Social Services would increase by 7% over FY16 levels according to the spending plan approved by the Senate.

That includes a 16.5% increase in General Revenue funding. Significant contributors to the increased spending include $262,369,583 additional funding for the cost-to-continue for the current program; $170,837,494 additional Pharmacy costs because of inflation and increased utilization; $17,831,371 increased general revenue funding needed because of a change to the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage which lowered from 63.323% to 63.228%.  The Senate also added an additional $18, 886,473 for a 1.5% provider rate increase for Long Term care providers.


Notable changes from the House recommendation include:

  •  $600,000 added for the Youth Connection program in Kansas City and Springfield
  • The 10% House recommended increase in the purchase of child care was cut back to 5%.
  • MoHealthNet was reduced by about $56 million.
  • The Senate budget recommendation switches $55 million of General Revenue funding to federal funding. The fund switch was possible was because of a settlement with the federal government over reimbursements for youth services. The settlement resulted in a refund of $55 million from the federal government, which was used to offset $55 million of GR spending with federal funds. It is a little unclear where the money was used in the budget.



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