Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

September 2, 2010

Missouri Hits Bottom: It’s Time for Cigarette Tax Reform

Missouri recently won the race to the bottom, as South Carolina raised its cigarette taxes.  At 17 cents per pack, Missouri’s tobacco taxes not only lag far below the national average, but also far below the cigarette taxes of its neighbors.  Click here to read
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Risks of Managed Care for People with Disabilities and Seniors

The Disability Coalition on Healthcare Reform and the Federation of Missouri Advocates for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services commissioned a report on the risks of Medicaid Managed Care for people with a disability and seniors.  Click here to read the full report,
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Missouri Hits Bottom: It’s Time for Cigarette Tax Reform

Missouri recently won the race to the bottom, as South Carolina raised its cigarette taxes.  At 17 cents per pack, Missouri’s tobacco taxes not only lag far below the national average, but also far below the cigarette taxes of its neighbors.  Click here to read
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